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Foreign workers - student survey

"Are you a foreign worker in Croatia? Share your experience!"

Participate in an anonymous survey about the opinions and experiences of foreign workers from India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan who work in Croatia. Your opinion matters for better understanding what foreign workers think about Croats, Croatian society, integration and their acceptance into Croatian society. Completing the survey takes only 15 minutes! Click here and help us understand you better:

Informed agreement:

Dear Sir/Madam,
We thank you for participating in a research study called Foreign Workers in Croatia: Attitudes Towards Croats and Perspectives on Integration conducted by David Brajković and Klaudio Krstić from the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb.
The goal of this study is to understand the opinions of South Asian workers about Croatian society and Croatian people, to learn how they feel about their integration experience, and to learn how accepted they feel by the local community.
The study involves a simple survey that will take about 15 minutes to complete.
Your participation is very important because it will help us learn more about the views and experiences of foreign workers in Croatia, which is something that is not well-known.
We will not collect any personal identifiers, and your answers will remain completely anonymous. No personal or identifying information will be asked or recorded. The collected information will be grouped together and used only for research, writing, and publishing of the study, as well as for educational purposes. The collected data will be stored by the research team, who, along with the mentor, will be the only ones able to access the data for processing and interpretation purposes. Other interested researchers may also gain access to the data, with the obligation to protect the confidentiality of the information. The Committee of the Department of Sociology for Ethical Review of Research has approved this study.
Participation is voluntary, and you can stop your participation at any time. Your consent to participate is given by pressing the button “Next”.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at:
Thank you very much in advance!
David Brajković and Klaudio Krstić