
Centar dobrodošlice (One Stop Shop) za tražitelje/tražiteljice međunarodne zaštite, osobe kojima je odobrena međunarodna ili privremena zaštita te strane radnike/radnice s dozvolom za boravak i rad
Adresa: Petrinjska ulica 31
Telefon: +38517001974
Mobitel: 091 1622129

Radno vrijeme

  • ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom od 8.00 h do 16.00 h,
  • utorkom i četvrtkom od 10.00 h do 18.00 h.

Opće pravne informacije: ponedjeljkom od 10:00 do 12:00 sati (Pravna klinika)

Hrvatski pravni centar usluge u Centru su dostupne dva dana u tjednu. Iako raspored može varirati, korisnici se mogu obratiti Centru na broj telefona kako bi provjerili točne termine za svaki tjedan.

One Stop Shop for applicants for international protection, persons granted international or temporary protection and foreign workers with a stay and work permit
Address: Petrinjska ulica 31
Phone: +38517001974
Mobile: 091 1622129
Working hours

  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm

General legal information: Mondays from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm (noon) (Legal Clinic)

The Croatian Law Center services at the Center are available two days a week. Although the schedule may vary, users can contact the Center by phone to check the exact times for each week.

These websites can assist you in performing daily tasks, learning, research, and gaining information about your rights in the Republic of Croatia:
Additional information:
1. Državni inspektorat – form (Violation of labor rights, undeclared work, occupational safety)
2. Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova  - Criminal complaint for the offense of workplace harassment
3. Porezna uprava Ministarstva financija – free phone number 0800 1001 (from 8am to 3pm)  form, Payment of wages 'under the table'
4. Financijska agencija – form for non-payment of wages, in the case of employer bankruptcy or blockages
5. Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje  - for workplace injuries- form
6. Pučka pravobraniteljica  - email:, thru a form PDF or  Word or in person with prior notice and appointment of the date, at the office in Zagreb, Rijeka, Osijek, or Split – request an appointment via or by calling 01 4851 855 (Zagreb), 051 563 786 (Rijeka), 031 628 054 (Osijek) or 021 682 981 (Split) Violation of labor rights, discrimination
7. Pravobraniteljica za ravnopravnost spolova –  form for discrimination, form for sexual harassment
8. Udruga za pomoć i edukaciju žrtava mobbing – email:; phone: 01/3907 301)
9. Sindikat radnika digitalnih platformi Hrvatske – trade union information- e-mail: or phone number +385 91 6138 665

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